A national system of recycling bins will be introduced from 2015. This is a consequence of the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (KrW- / AbfG), which came into force on 01.06.2012.
The bins shall be used for collecting packaging currently disposed of in the yellow bags (dual system of waste collection) as well as non-packaging from the same materials. Non-packaging materials consist of plastic or metal products which are currently thrown in the grey bins and disposed of thermally.
With the additional collection of pots, pans, buckets and dolls, the federal government hopes to increase the collection quotas of recyclable raw materials by up to 7 Kg per person. Why should a plastic bobbycar be thrown away in the grey bin while the packaging is recycled?
Currently, there are no clear specifications or statutory provisions for the new recycling law. There are heated discussions about who should be contracted with the collection and sorting of the recyclable materials. The municipalities are arguing with the private waste management industry over the control of the system.