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What is the point of the recycling bins?
The decision to introduce recycling bins to Germany is based on the “European Waste Directive”. This states that from 2015 paper, metal, plastic and glass must be .... read more...
Which consequences do the recycling bins have for manufacturers and importers?
This question depends heavily on who is contracted with the collection and sorting of the new recyclable materials (so-called non-packaging of similar materials). There .... read more...
How will the rubbish collection fees for private households change?
The collection fees will most probably change following the introduction of the recycling bins. The direction of the change depends on who is charged with collecting .... read more...
What can be thrown in the recycling bins?
Besides sales packaging, which is currently disposed of in the yellow bags/yellow bins, other household wastes made from plastic or metal can been thrown .... read more...
Can paper and cardboard be thrown in the recycling bins?
No, the current system for recycling paper and cardboard will not be changed. But, it is unclear whether the privately run container collection systems .... read more...
Will there be an additional bin?
No, the recycling bin replaces the yellow bags/yellow bins. A recycling bin is planned and there will be no recycling bag. Therefore, municipalities which run a bag .... read more...
When can we expect the new law?
The government hopes to introduce the new regulations by the autumn of 2013. A white paper will be presented to the environment minister during 2012. The law .... read more...
This area is continually being updated. Should you have any further questions, we are only too pleased to help. Please send us an Email or use our contact form.